Welcome to Open Door!
We are a group of ordinary people seeking after an extraordinary God! Jesus Christ has made a way for all of us to know Him, and it is for this reason we gather weekly to sing praises to His name, fellowship with other believers, and hear stirring Bible messages.
Whether you are looking for a welcoming church home, have questions about what it means to become a Christian, or are somewhere in between, we would love for you to join us and see what God has in store for you.
-Pastor Jake Cinereski

Whether you are at home, on the road, or just out and about, tune in and watch our services live! Our worship services are full of life, passion, and Biblical truth to help you in your walk with God today. Join us here on our website, on YouTube, or our Facebook for a service to see what God is doing at Open Door. Be sure to fill out our online visitor's card so we can have a record of your visit. Thank you for coming to our church!